مدرسة التوفيق للتعليم الأساسي (1-4) الواقعة في منطقة سداب بمحافظة مسقط. تعتبر هذه المنطقة بسيطة وذات طابع متواضع ولكنها كبيرة بتعاونها وتواصل الأهالي مع ما يدور حولهم في مدارسها .. قد لا يكون عدد الطلاب كبيراً وعدد الصفوف قليل وكادرهاالتدريسي والإداري بسيط .. لكننا نعمل بيد واحدة ونحاول معاً جاهدين أن نعلي اسم هذا البلد الزاخر بالمواهب والعقول المبدعة...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Kids Read Group Visit To Our School

We were very happy to welcome the kids read group last week.
We prepared a storytelling lesson with some acting and activities to the students for the guests to attend.

We had some great news about being the hosting school to the second community event.
Al Zahraa School with be the co-hosting school the event.

We've worked so hard to earn this chance.
To show everyone that teamwork and dedication 
always pays of.
The event will be held at our school on Wednesday 14/3/2012

We can't wait to meet up with all the other teachers and all the people who worked to make this event possible

Thursday, March 1, 2012

To All Kids Read schools

This is the link to upload your videos

Steps are simple and explained in the website... 

I hope you find this useful 
Thank you